Identity Package for Beach Life Concierge
A former colleague of mine started a concierge business with a friend of hers and approached me to help design their logo and identity materials. As with most start-ups there wasn't much money, so we met to discuss her ideas thoroughly before I started work. I saved her money by giving her three solid concepts in the first round which narrowed down to one and then did a round of color variations.
Once the logo was in the bag, I developed some simple, clean letterhead and envelopes which could be easily used in desktop applications. |
Ninja Skills Applied:
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, logo design, business card design, letterhead and envelope design
Project Time:
One week
Results and Application:
Brandi and Jessica have burned through the first print run of almost everything we've done and are using the branding for all their marketing. The desktop files I provided allow them to create their own forms.