Schlage Product Line Illustration for Upside Marketing
This was one of the last projects I worked on while I was on staff at Upside and it was a blast. We came up with this concept as a creative way to fill the client's request of displaying their entire line of electronic door lock products, but all we had was the product photography. So I basically had to build everything myself.
I went to Lowe's and bought a sheet of
plastic, laid it on one of our office tables and set up the lighting with our in-house lighting kit. One of our other designers is the guy behind the table. I built the glowy table interface in Illustrator. The hologram of the building and the office background are both stock photography.
The piece was finished off by laying in the product photos and adding the text elements in InDesign.
Ninja Skills Applied:
High-resolution photo illustration, Adobe Photoshop, model photography, stock photo search, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator
Project Time:
Two weeks including several rounds of revisions
Results and Application:
The finished illustration was used in a variety of the client's product literature.